HHA Trust Governance Structure
Click here to download the Governance Handbook
Executive Team
Executive Team (ID 1247)
Mr Jonathan MortimerCEO
Mr Jonathan Mortimer
I have over 20 years teaching experience as a Maths teacher and have worked at Hamstead Hall since April 1998. I have undertaken a variety of roles including Head of Maths, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher with specialisms in curriculum and assessment and more recently as Head of School at Hamstead Hall Academy.
In January 2017, I became one of the Executive Principals of Hamstead Hall Academy Trust and recorded as the designated Accounting Officer at the Trust. Hamstead Hall Academy has been a National Support School since 2009. As a National Leader of Education, I have a wealth of experience of school to school support working in schools across the West Midlands to improve leadership and student outcomes. In October 2015, I became the Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP) Secondary District Representative for the North West Network as well as being a member of the BEP School Improvement and Commissioning Committee for Birmingham. In September 2018, I was appointed as a Director on the Titan Executive.
Mr Tom BillDirector of Finance and Support Services
Mr Tom Bill
I am the Director of Finance and Support Services at Hamstead Hall Academy.
Mr Martin GodfreyDirector of Estates
Mr Martin Godfrey
I am the Director of Estates.
Ms Rita BarrattDirector of HR
Ms Rita Barratt
I am the Director of HR.
Mr Mike DoddsTrust IT Manager
Mr Mike Dodds
I am the Trust IT Manager
Please click on the pictures for more information.
Non-executive Directors/Trustees
Hamstead Hall Academy Trust has a team of non-executive directors, also known as Trustee, whose combined skills offer a wealth of experience to support the Trust's activities.
The Trust plays several roles in the life of each of its schools, setting direction and working with the leadership team to ensure that each school provides the best learning environment for its students. The Trust board is responsible for fostering progress in all areas of the schools' operation, promoting value for money and good use of public funds, and championing the schools in the wider community.
Our non-executive directors are successful and committed professionals are chosen for their knowledge of business, finance, IT and education.
The non-executive Directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the trust, and in accordance with the provisions set out in the articles of association and its funding agreement. The non-executive directors are legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all schools within the trust, and must approve a written scheme of delegation of financial powers that maintain robust internal control arrangements. In addition, it must carry out the three core governance functions:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
- Hold the executive to account for the educational performance of the trust’s schools and their pupils and the performance management of staff.
- Oversee the financial performance of the trust and make sure its money is well spent.
The current Directors of Hamstead Hall Academy Trust are:
Meet the Directors (ID 1068)
Rob SmithChair of the board of Directors 17 Oct 2021 - 16 Oct 2025
Rob Smith
I am a reader in Education at Birmingham City University. I have taught in Birmingham schools, colleges and higher education institutions for 25 years. I trained as a secondary English teacher and I was teaching at Holt Schools in Lozells when the National Curriculum was introduced.
In 2012, I co-founded the Centre for Research and Development in Lifelong Education at the University of Wolverhampton. I am a staunch believer in comprehensive education as a basis for every young person achieving excellence. I also believe in the necessity of pursuing a multicultural ethos. My body of work explores the impact of funding and marketisation on Further Education provision in England. I have researched and written extensively in collaboration with FE and HE practitioners.
Recent articles include: Rob Smith (2015) College Re-culturing, Marketisation and Knowledge: The Meaning of Incorporation, Journal of Educational Administration and History, Smith, R. and O'Leary, M. (2015) Partnership as Cultural Practice in the Face of Neoliberal Reform, Journal of Educational Administration and History.
Surinder BurayDirector 17 Oct 2021 - 16 Oct 2025
Surinder Buray
I have been a Governor at the Trust for over 26 years, having held office as Member (current), Director (current), Chair of Directors for 3 years, Chair of Governors for 6 years, Vice-Chair of Governors for 3 years and Chair of Staffing and Fulfilment Sub-committee for 9 years.
Both my children were schooled at the Trust, went on to gain Honours Degrees, post graduate studies and successful careers. As an educationalist, I understand that a child's life ambitions can be realised through education. However, it is equally important that standards are maintained and raised in both teaching and learning through challenge, target setting, monitoring outcomes, strategic management including working with and challenging the senior leadership team. In my working life I am a Magistrate of 25 years standing, I am chair of the Bench sitting at Victoria Law Courts, Birmingham. I am a director of a firm of multi-disciplinary architectural, civil, structural consultants, having links with schools wherever possible to enhance career aspirations of pupils in this area.
Trystan ShawDirector 23 June 2020 - June 2028
Trystan Shaw
I am a Chartered Accountant working at Mazars LLP in Birmingham. I am in the Transaction Services Team providing due diligence and other financial advice on a wide range of corporate transactions for both private and not for profit businesses. Prior to this I worked in the Internal Audit team reviewing risks and internal controls for not for profit businesses including housing associations and educational academy trusts.
I have been on the Board of Directors for Hamstead Hall Academy Trust since June 2020. My roles and responsibilities include scrutinising the financial performance of the Trust, advising on financial performance indicators, and ensuring that there are appropriate controls in place regarding financial risks.
I am connected to the Trust via my Grandad who worked at Hamstead Hall for over 20 years as both a teacher and Head of Lower School. -
Dr Paulette Osborne MBECo-opted Director - Safeguarding 14 June 2023 to 14 June 2027
Dr Paulette Osborne MBE
After 10 years of Headship at St Matthew’s CofE Teaching and Research School, I became the Assistant Director of Continuous School Improvement, at Birmingham Education Partnership.
I am a designated National Leader of Education, accredited Pupil Premium Reviewer, an accredited RE Quality Mark Assessor and a member of the Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education .
I describe my leadership style as ‘calm and approachable’. My strengths lie in my ability to balance high professional aspirations, with a desire to ensure wellbeing and advancement, across the school community.
I am a founder member of BAME LEAP, a professional development group that aims to accelerate the career progression of teachers, middle and senior leaders from global majority backgrounds in and around Birmingham.
My work to raise school standards and impact the life chances of generations of young people has been recognised, at the highest levels. In 2016 I was awarded an MBE for her Services to Education - we took the whole school down to London, to meet the Queen!
I was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Aston University, for my ‘significant contribution to raising attainment amongst young people, in the Aston and Nechells areas of Birmingham’.
I am a Yorkshire girl by birth, and it was here that I developed a love of the theatre. In 1992 I was awarded the Yorkshire Achievers Award for my contributions to the development of the black arts movement in the region. In my spare time I can be found in a theatre near you, transporting myself off into a world of comedy, melodrama or historical enactment!
Getting involved as a trustee is a great way to put my professional skills to use and is also a fantastic opportunity for me to learn new things. The role of a trustee enables me to give something back and make a difference to a trust, supporting its growth and development. I feel that my unique additionality means that I can bring different ideas, views and perspectives to the ‘board’ table.
Hickesh ParmarDirector January 2023 to January 2027
Hickesh Parmar
I have over twenty years experience in property rentals and estate management. I run my own property investment company and have a wealth of knowledge regarding acquisition and refurbishment. I personally manage a large portfolio of properties (both residential and commercial) across the UK.
Daniel StoneDirector September 2023 to September 2027
Daniel Stone
I studied at Hamstead Hall from Year 7 until the end of Sixth Form. After leaving the school in 2007, I went on to read Economics and Management at the University of Oxford. I also have a Masters from UCL in Educational Planning and Economics. I have led a number of national initiatives designed to help young people access top universities and gain employment with top employers in the UK. I worked as a Project Manager for the University of Birmingham and am currently working as a civil servant in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. I am proud to be an ongoing member of the Hamstead Hall community and to work with teachers, parents and pupils to create a learning environment in which all can achieve success.
Julia PostinDirector January 2024 to January 2028
Julia Postin
I am an HR Generalist with operational and strategic experience within education, automotive, manufacturing and ‘not for profit’ industries. I currently work as People Business Partner to Ark Schools in Birmingham since January 2017.
Nadeem BashirDirector June 2024 to June 2028
Nadeem Bashir
Having begun my career in secondary education before moving to primary, I have a strong understanding of what is involved, not only in the education provided, but the leadership at all levels, within primary and secondary, and within challenging contexts. I am currently a Headteacher of an Ofsted graded outstanding primary school in Birmingham. I have fostered a culture of trust, empathy and love for the children. Everything we do is for the children and this feeds through everything we do. I have driven this culture through clear vision and direction. This strong belief in doing the right thing for our children can be applied to the role as Trustee. I have a passion for improving the life chances and outcomes for young people and this has been at the forefront of my mind when making decisions in school. Strong relationships, with all stakeholders, has been key to our success but the strong interpersonal and communication skills that I have developed over time and through leading by example, are able to be applied in all contexts, including this role as Trustee. Alongside my busy leadership role, I have recently completed the NPQEL and it has taught me evidence based research with the very best practice as well as the fundamentals of working across a number of schools whilst having the opportunity to apply the latest techniques and research findings. I am now delivering the NPQH for a delivery partner which is allowing me to help shape the leaders of tomorrow.
I have previously volunteered as chair of an Interim Executive Board for 12 months for a school in Birmingham. The role allowed me to appreciate and experience first hand how vulnerable schools would need careful support and guidance from skilled professionals. I was able to hone my skills of supporting schools during this role, and have since then gone on to apply these skills in schools by supporting as an Executive Leader. I have been able to appreciate how sensitive this work is, and how approaching support with empathy and compassion can have the best impact. Holding leaders to account is also vital as children only have one chance when in your setting and I do not lose sight of the fact that as demanding as the job can be, it is also a privileged position and children should always be at the forefront. As a Headteacher I have developed a strong understanding of governance, finance and risk management. The role of a headteacher has evolved so much during my time and I have grown as an educator and manager. I have experienced leadership through a local authority model and the academy era including MAT leadership. I have previously been a Director of Education for a MAT which gave me the experience to work at a senior level across a number of special, primary and secondary schools. I worked alongside middle leaders, headteachers and also MAT leaders which was then a new venture for schools, particularly primary schools, many of whom were still resistant to an academy process. As a trustee I can use this experience to support trust leaders and maintain the reputation Hamstead Hall Academy Trust holds whilst growing as a MAT and ensuring schools have the right level of support and challenge as the MAT grows and strengthens.
As a non-executive director, not only will I learn from other people, but also work together bringing all our experiences and skills for the benefit of young people. I see the position to be an honour and privilege.
Sal KhanDirector 18 March 2024 to 17 March 2028
Sal Khan
My reasons for wanting to join the Trust Board are varied and summarised below:
Make a positive contribution to the wider society:
On a personal level, schooling in East Lancashire in the 1970s and 80s was not a positive experience for me however my children have had the opposite, and all have had a very positive school experience in the West Midlands, at the Walsall Academy, Queen Mary’s High School, and Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School. This was due to a combination of things, the curriculum, the extra-curricular activities, the teaching and leadership within the schools. Living in Walsall, as a parent of three grown-up children who loved their school experience, I believe that I have incurred ‘a debt’ to those that helped create that environment, and so if there is an opportunity to contribute positively, indirectly, and usefully to some other young peoples’ situation then I would relish that opportunity. Aligned with this, the mission and values of the HHAT resonate strongly with me, particularly the ‘feeling of a community’ – with the socio-economic climate in the 2020s this is probably more important than ever.
Skills and experience that can still be utilised:
My CV demonstrates a range of skills and experience which are transferable and would be useful in many settings. These range from senior financial stewardship, senior strategic and operational management, strong governance and HR experience and significant business improvements at senior and operational levels. I believe that these would be useful to the Trust and whilst I completely appreciate that the NED roles are not a hands-on delivering roles, the experience that I have would be beneficial.
Ability to commit:
I left full-time permanent employment in Summer 2023 and now work on interim contracts in local government working four days a week. I intend to continue with the four-day week approach as this allows me a better life/work balance enabling me to carry out activities which I was not able to whilst in a demanding, time-consuming, and politically restrictive role, such as reimbursing the debt previously mentioned and looking into other non-renumerated positive activities. Whilst I was permanently full time employed, due to the high numbers of regular evening Council meetings, it was always difficult to genuinely think about carrying out other useful/charitable activities and being able to fully commit to it. I now have that time available and would like to commit some to the HHAT.
Personal continuous development:
I believe that I will genuinely benefit and continue to develop as an individual and as a professional by undertaking a role within the HHAT, getting experience as a NED, getting involved in the education sector and by meeting and working alongside the other Members and Board Directors.
Whist my CV demonstrates a successful career in the public and private sectors, I was also a Director of the East Staffordshire Community and Voluntary Service between 2010 and 2014 (East Staffordshire Borough Council was a major funder) and therefore also have experience in a trustee role.
Please click on the pictures for more information.
Local Governing Body Chairs
Local Government Body Chairs (ID 1276)
Mr Daniel StoneChair of Hamstead Hall Academy LGB
Mr Daniel Stone
I studied at Hamstead Hall from Year 7 until the end of Sixth Form. After leaving the school in 2007, I went on to read Economics and Management at the University of Oxford. I also have a Masters from UCL in Educational Planning and Economics. I have led a number of national initiatives designed to help young people access top universities and gain employment with top employers in the UK. I worked as a Project Manager for the University of Birmingham and am currently working as a civil servant in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. I am proud to be an ongoing member of the Hamstead Hall community and to work with teachers, parents and pupils to create a learning environment in which all can achieve success.
Ms Avnish Kaur DhesiChair of Grestone Academy LGB
Ms Avnish Kaur Dhesi
I am happy to say that Birmingham has been where my career in education has blossomed and I put down my very first roots thirty years ago as a newly qualified teacher in a small primary school in Selly Oak. The enjoyment and real sense of purpose I felt celebrating the wonderful diversity within the community of my very first school has remained with me and I have continued to choose to work in inner city schools in Birmingham throughout my career so far. For the last six years I have had the privilege of being Head Teacher at a school fairly local to Grestone. I feel this has given me valuable experience of some of the challenges our children and families in Birmingham collectively face. In turn, I am also knowledgeable of the many wonderful opportunities and resources our children and families can access.
Working to ensure that all children have equality of opportunities and experiences is an important priority within my leadership. In my role as Head Teacher, I am passionate about ensuring children deserve equality of access to future life opportunities and ensure that our children are seen as the responsible citizens of the future who have the incredible potential of making a positive difference in Birmingham and beyond. For this reason, I feel it is important that children are at the centre of decisions schools make and whilst I strongly believe in academic success, children’s emotional and personal development is equally important to me.
Above all, children should be nurtured - treated warmly, listened to and respected. As saplings require thoughtful care to strengthen and grow, as do children. All children deserve our very best efforts to help them succeed highly and develop well. A quote which resonates greatly with me is, ‘You can’t change the world. You can change a person’s world. The more people you help, the more worlds you’ve changed.’
I am looking forward to joining the Grestone school community as a member of the governing body; celebrating your children and school’s strengths and engaging in conversations about key priorities in continuing to fulfil for their key value and commitment of excellence.
Please click on the pictures for more information.
Local Governing Body
A trust board may decide to set up one or more Local Governing Bodies (sometimes known as Advisory Boards to oversee an academy or group of academies (in the academy trust. The trust board will decide which, if any, governance functions they will delegate to local governing bodies which is set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.
At Hamstead Hall Academy Trust each academy has its own Local Governing Body.
Grestone Academy LGB Hamstead Hall Academy LGB
Most charitable companies have members because of the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. As all academy trusts are set up as charitable companies, they too must have members. In effect, the members sign to say they wish to form a company.
The DfE state: ‘Charity Trustees means the directors of the Academy Trust, who are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Academy Trust’
Members play a limited but crucial role in safeguarding academy trust governance. While they must ensure they do not stray into undertaking the Academy Trustees' role, they should assure themselves that the governance of the trust is effective, that Academy Trustees are acting in accordance with the trust’s charitable object(s) and that they, the Members, use their powers to step in if governance is failing.
It is the trust board, not the members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers.
A Multi Academy Trust can have up to five Members and no less than three Members.
The current Members for Hamstead Hall Academy are:
Members (ID 1069)
Rachel BurroughsMember 17 Oct 2017 - present
Rachel Burroughs
Having taught in the West Midlands for 30 years, I have expanded and used my pedagogical knowledge to support the academy trust. I believe in promoting inclusivity and cultural diversity. My extensive knowledge of critical governance spans over 20 years and includes pastoral, safe- guarding, strategic leadership and management. I am passionate about every student's achievement and believe that every young person should leave school with life skills which will enable them to encounter and overcome difficult tasks, be tolerant and remain learners throughout their lives. My daughters, who were previously educated at Hamstead Hall, achieved very well and have gone on to undertake very good careers. I live locally, have strong links with parents and through my role as a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator am able to reach out towards the community.
Pam GarringtonMember 17 Oct 2017 - present
Pam Garrington
I have a background in Secondary education where I taught for 27 years. I was a member of the Senior Leadership team before moving to a Local Authority School Improvement Service in 2003 -2012. I retired in August 2012 and wanted to devote more time to pursuing my interest in governance. I became a National Leader of Governance in March 2012, in the very first cohort. I have an MA in Educational Leadership and Innovation.
2019 marked my 25th year as a governor and I have served on governing boards in the Primary and the Secondary phase, as well as being a trustee in a multi-academy trust.
I am firmly committed to the importance of high-quality and ethical governance and am dedicated to ensuring that the children and young people in our schools have access to great teaching and resources to enable them to be the best they can be.
Peter FrenchMember 17 Oct 2017 - present
Peter French
I have been a governor at Hamstead Hall since 1997 when I was the Vicar at St Andrew's Church in Handsworth. I have been Chair of Governors and have served on the Professional Fulfilment and Finance and Resources Committees.
Prior to this I have been a governor of another secondary school in Bury, Lancashire and Chair of Governors of a primary school in Bury. Part of my current job as the Assistant Director of Education for Church of England schools in the Birmingham area is to support and train governors. I am also a National Leader of Governance. As well as leading governor training I have participated in governor training to ensure my skills are up to date. As a governing body we have worked hard to ensure Hamstead Hall, and now Grestone Academy, provide high quality all round education for the pupils.
Phillip RiggonMember 17 Oct 2017- present
Phillip Riggon
My experience to date has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge and valuable skills which have been developed over forty years as a Science teacher.
I have taught in a variety of Schools across the West Midlands which has given me the opportunity to work with a diverse and dynamic group of people. Early in my career, as a qualified teacher I worked in the Ethnic Minorities support service in Sandwell. My task was to implement changes to the curriculum for students who were struggling academically, this resulted in pupils becoming empowered and engaged by the lessons that they were taught. After working in this area for three years, I returned to mainstream education until I retired. As well as this I have served in middle management roles as a head of department in two large secondary schools in the area.
Throughout my time teaching I have enjoyed working with other colleagues to ensure pupils are supported in an environment which enables them to achieve their best. Working in inner city schools in some of the poorest areas of the West Midlands has enabled me to appreciate the challenges that many young people face. I have also been influential in breaking down the barriers many have to overcome to achieve their full potential.
I recently completed my tenure after 5 years at the Teacher Regulatory Agency; Professional Conduct Panel, as part of the Department for Education. As a panel member I was able to work with professionals from a range of disciplines including Law, Academia and Public Relations. This role required team work and critical thinking when analysing the evidence brought in front of us, in order to arrive at a just and fair conclusion.
Rob SmithMember 29 Sep 2022- present
Rob Smith
I am a reader in Education at Birmingham City University. I have taught in Birmingham schools, colleges and higher education institutions for 25 years. I trained as a secondary English teacher and I was teaching at Holt Schools in Lozells when the National Curriculum was introduced.
In 2012, I co-founded the Centre for Research and Development in Lifelong Education at the University of Wolverhampton. I am a staunch believer in comprehensive education as a basis for every young person achieving excellence. I also believe in the necessity of pursuing a multicultural ethos. My body of work explores the impact of funding and marketisation on Further Education provision in England. I have researched and written extensively in collaboration with FE and HE practitioners.
Recent articles include: Rob Smith (2015) College Re-culturing, Marketisation and Knowledge: The Meaning of Incorporation, Journal of Educational Administration and History, Smith, R. and O'Leary, M. (2015) Partnership as Cultural Practice in the Face of Neoliberal Reform, Journal of Educational Administration and History.
Please click on the pictures for more information.
Trust boards may establish committees and may choose to delegate functions to them. Where the trust board does delegate functions, the trust board remains responsible and accountable for decisions made.
In addition to local governing bodies, the board currently has two sub committees, namely:
Audit, Finance and Risk committee
The Trust Board has established an Audit, Finance, and Risk Committee to advise and report to the Board on any significant matters relating to finance and audit arrangements, systems of internal control, risk management and to advise the Board to ensure sound and robust oversight of the Trust’s finances and resources, including proper planning, monitoring, and probity.
Pay & Remuneration committee
Has delegated responsibility for considering and recommending to the Board the Trust’s policy for executive remuneration, in accordance with the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook, Setting executive salaries: Guidance for academy trusts, the Academies Trust Handbook, the Academies Accounts Direction, and any other relevant guidance
The committees are responsible for establishing remuneration frameworks and policies that promote and support alignment with the Trust’s long-term charitable aims and purposes, with any performance-related pay schemes relevant and proportionate to the Trust. Any proposals recommended to the Trust board must satisfy the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s requirements.